Caffeine is more popular than ever, especially among teens, but its impact on those with pectus excavatum isn’t often discussed.

Overloading on coffee or energy drinks can have harmful effects, particularly if you’re not aware of the risks.

In this blog post, you’ll learn how caffeine affects your body, specifically if you have pectus excavatum, and tips on managing your intake to avoid worsening any symptoms.

Caffeine Benefits

Caffeine, like every other substance, has many benefits and drawbacks. When it comes to coffee consumption with pectus excavatum, it may be beneficial if done correctly.

Still, it can also be detrimental if done incorrectly. Because the boundary is so narrow, caution is the best option in those cases.

There are forms of caffeine, such as coffee, and various preparation methods, so you may pick the one that best meets your needs. If our deformity is very severe, it might reduce our physical capabilities.

We usually get gassed out quickly, and we quit our goals. We may find it tough to make it our habit and a lifestyle due to a lack of energy or a desire to do so, even though we know the benefits.

Better Physical Performance

If you're low on energy, a cup of coffee can only boost your strength and help you complete your workout.

We commonly experience dizziness during activities due to respiratory issues. However, caffeine may reduce it. Performance in sports is better with just a little bit of caffeine.

Caffeine can improve physical strength and endurance and limit exhaustion during exercise, give it a try! It can aid with weight maintenance, which is crucial for our deformities.

I believe it is essential to exercise and maintain a healthy weight that allows us to move and breathe easily and normally. Being active is crucial for us if we want to improve our deformity.

Improved Alertness and Energy

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system in people. The most apparent impact when it enters your brain is alertness.

It is commonly used to control sleepiness, headaches, and migraines since it makes you feel more awake and less sleepy. Caffeine is readily available to all of us. While it is best known for its presence in coffee, caffeine is also in other beverages.

While the advantages of caffeine are apparent, we must be aware of its negative consequences and impact on the physical body.

Someone with a pectus excavatum deformity must recognize those things to be safe before consuming caffeine.

What Has Caffeine

Caffeine is a chemical found in over 60 plants, including the:

  • Beans of coffee
  • Leaves of the tea plant
  • Soft drink colas flavored with kola nuts
  • Cacao pods are a kind of cacao bean used for chocolate making

Tea is an excellent replacement for coffee for those who need an energy boost but aren't coffee drinkers.

I Love Green Tea

Green tea, for example, is very close to the amount of caffeine it contains compared to coffee, but still, its effect is much smaller than a cup of coffee.

Caffeine levels in an 8-ounce (230-ml) cup of green tea, for example, range from 30 to 50 mg, but caffeine levels in coffee usually range from 80 to 100 mg. I love tea.

Although I know that many people see coffee as the greatest pleasure of the day, it has always been tea for me.

Synthetic Caffeine

There is also synthetic caffeine used in several medications, foods, and beverages.

Energy drinks, energy-boosting gums, and snacks all contribute to this. A larger dose of them is harmful to our health. Stimulant beverages are known as energy drinks.

The quantity of caffeine in energy drinks can vary greatly, and the labels on the beverages may not always indicate the actual dosage of caffeine in them.

Why I Hate Energy Drinks

I don't consume energy drinks because of my pectus excavatum. I have instant tachycardia, which is very uncomfortable and worrying for me.

Alcohol is often in the mix with energy drinks during parties. Please be careful with this combination.

If you have a funnel chest, you should know those mild panic attack symptoms are more common for us.

This mixture of alcohol and energy drinks may frequently induce such symptoms, especially if the dose is higher, so be careful about that. Caffeine and alcohol are both harmful when used together.

Body's Reaction to Caffeine

Caffeine stimulates our central nervous system, making us feel more alert and with a quick energy boost.

It is a diuretic, meaning it helps your body get rid of excess salt and water by making you urinate more frequently.

Because coffee is a diuretic (something that can dehydrate our bodies), drinking water first thing in the morning is recommended.

Drinking at least two glasses of water with each cup of coffee is crucial to keep your organism balanced.

Don't Consume Caffeine on Empty Stomach

Caffeine can also increase the amount of acid produced in your stomach, which might cause an upset stomach or heartburn.

That is a frequent occurrence among people, and I would advise you not to consume your first cup of coffee on an empty stomach.

However, it is preferable to eat something before to avoid irritating your stomach. Due to higher doses of caffeine, the calcium absorption process might be hampered or slowed.

Caffeine reaches its highest amount in your blood after one hour of eating or drinking it. It might have an influence on you for four to six hours.

That is why it is still essential to be cautious when drinking coffee. If you want to retain your sleeping schedule, drink it early in the morning or at least until midday.

Of course, some people have no trouble going to sleep even after a few cups of coffee. But it is precisely for this reason that a person needs to be familiar with himself and his body.

Caffeine & Ephedrine

Caffeine, combined with ephedrine, appears to promote weight reduction in the short term. However, there may be unfavorable side effects.

Side Effect of Caffeine

Caffeine may be harmful if used over an extended period or at dosages above 400 mg daily. It has many side effects and can vary from person to person.

But some are very common, such as sleeplessness, anxiety, and elevated heart rate. You may get headaches, anxiety, and chest discomfort in higher dosages, which is the number one enemy of our deformity.

Caffeine at extremely high levels is likely harmful to us, and that discomfort can easily ruin our day. It can lead to irregular heartbeats and, in extreme cases, death.

In addition, I'll go through all of the caffeine's side effects that might be linked to our chest deformity so that we're all aware of them.


Caffeine has the potential to impact our mood. While modest caffeine use might help you feel happier, consuming two to six cups of coffee can make you anxious.

Anxiety is characterized by being tense and restless. Whether you have anxiety after consuming caffeine might indicate that you are using too much of it and should cut back.

Fast Heart Rate

Of course, this list must also include the health of our most important organ – the heart, because caffeine can often cause various changes in the healthy rhythm of the heart.

The heart is an organ that can be damaged and affected in people with pectus excavatum if the deformity is very severe.

In that case, it may compress the heart, affecting its function. In such severe forms of deformity, please beware of any external influence.

Do and choose only what is good for you, even if you have to sacrifice the enjoyment of the morning coffee, but still, health is most important.

Caffeine affects the heart in a variety of ways. According to some studies, a few cups of coffee might produce minor variations in heart rhythm in some people. That occurrence might link to the body's ability to break down caffeine.

A fast heart rate might indicate a coffee allergy, sensitivity, or another health problem; you can't ignore these signs.

If you feel that caffeine harms you and your heart in any uncomfortable way, you should reduce or eliminate it for your good.

Chest Pain / Discomfort

Caffeine might cause a person's heart to race and blood pressure to rise to the point where the blood supply to the heart decreases, causing possible chest discomfort.

Most people are unlikely to have these heart rate and blood pressure effects. But, people with chest problems and malformations need to be careful.

Acid indigestion is more prevalent if you suffer chest discomfort after drinking tea or coffee. Irritation of the stomach can lead to such a feeling.

From my experience with caffeine in such situations, I drink a lot of water, which I think is necessary to reduce the feeling of heaviness.

Helps With Breathing

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says caffeine does not cause respiratory issues.

Because it relaxes and expands breathing passageways, it can help with breathing. Studies prove that it can help with asthma symptoms.

However, share every problem with your doctor if you experience any of these issues. It may be something else that needs to be treated.

Those who are caffeine sensitive or are on medications may have reduced blood flow and chest discomfort with fewer than two cups of coffee.

If you're one of these people, decaffeinated coffee or other milder choices are a good way of enjoying yourself while being safe.


You need to know that caffeine tolerance and reactions vary from person to person. It can link with genetic variances.

If you are intolerant to caffeine, you can build tolerance by consuming it frequently. As a result, the side effects of caffeine may diminish with time. But still, all of these depend from person to person.

I intend to share all the different scenarios with you to have all the knowledge we need to avoid suffering from pectus. Whether a simple cup of coffee causes anything strange, we need to know everything.

If you have adverse effects from caffeine, you may reduce your intake or avoid it entirely. There are plenty of healthier options on the market.

Caffeine outcomes can be decreased by increasing water consumption and adding extra vitamins and fiber-rich foods to your meals.

Maintaining your immune system can lead to a healthy stomach and even healthier caffeine consumption and absorption.

A healthy lifestyle and quality sleep are the right ways to get the energy you need throughout the day.

There may be times when we require additional stimulation to feel more energized. Still, it should never become a basis of comfort that causes us to ignore our healthy habits.

10 Sources

Written by Mihail Veleski, CPT

DUKE Institute - ISSA Recognized CPT, helping thousands fix their pectus non-surgically since 2015.

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— Pectus Specialized Coach

I am Mihail Veleski an ISSA Recognized DUKE Institute Certified Personal Trainer, the person behind this website.

Established in 2015, Pectus Excavatum Fix (Now Mr. Pectus), has helped thousands of people improve their sunken chest deformity, both physically and mentally.

I pride myself on ensuring the information and methods I share are tried by me and backed by research. I improved my concave chest and rib flare deformities non-surgically.

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