How to Hug & Cuddle With Pectus Excavatum [2023]: Tip + More

Written by Mihail Veleski

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Evidence-Based This post has medical citations

It is fascinating how our pectus excavatum deformity affects how we feel about ourselves. It may significantly influence how we behave in social situations.

I have dedicated this article to addressing hugging, which is supposed to be intuitive and natural but can occasionally be challenging for a person with pectus excavatum.

I love writing about these seemingly ordinary topics, knowing they may be uncomfortable for someone with the deformity, helping them face their fears and step out of their comfort zone.

Intimacy and Pectus Excavatum

It’s easy to reject intimacy and connection with people in today’s hectic world.

Many young individuals with pectus excavatum say they are afraid to hug people and start relationships because of the cavity in their chests. Such comments are reasonable, but they pose a significant obstacle for the patient.

It would be best if you ignored this fear and attempted to overcome it. It will be challenging at first, but you must overcome your fear. Please don’t waste any precious time.

Importance of Hugging

Cuddling allows you to connect to individuals you care about.

Finding the best snuggling positions with your partner, friends, or pets would be best.

It’s excellent for both your body and your soul, and the freer you are, the more thoroughly you enjoy your friendships or love relationships.

Being close to someone with whom you may honestly discuss your everyday challenges and favorite things is essential.

Hugging Transmits Positive Feelings

Don’t be frightened to be who you are because, most of the time, our deformity is a physical characteristic that has nothing to do with who we sincerely are as individuals.

Have faith in others because it brings hope and tranquility, knowing that maybe people are not always quick to judge.

Maintaining personal connections with others improves your overall health, not only your social life.

Physical touch, according to research, is a way for loved ones to transmit feelings like love, appreciation, and sympathy. Touch may also express happiness.

Cuddling Can Be Therapeutic

According to Healthline, cuddling, as a therapeutic formation, may even decrease pain. Therapeutic touch involves laying your hands on the other’s body to balance energy and encourage natural healing.

It may sound mythical, but studies have shown that having personal relationships even strengthens our immune system. Your body’s defenses activate and assist you in fighting illnesses.

Hugging people you care about can drop your blood pressure almost as well as prescription medication.

Stop Being Afraid of Physicality

In my opinion, no “magic words” may encourage you to develop closeness, as well as physical contact can. It is intuitive and natural; every one of us is aware of it and responds to situations in the best way possible.

Helpful Alternative

If you’re afraid of physical contact and touching your sunken chest with others but still want to step into progress, here is an alternate cuddling method that can help.

You will make progress in becoming more physically comfortable with others. However, please don’t rest in your comfort zone and continue to hug others this way forever. Eventually, it would be best if you embraced others with complete confidence, regardless of how you feel.

Seated Hugs

Seated hugs might be more pleasant and enduring than standing ones for individuals with pectus excavatum who are afraid of being physical and intimate with others. This can aid in eliminating any physical differences.

You can sit next to one another, face each other, and touch hips and outer thighs before hugging.

You can face each other when sitting side-by-side, feeling the physicality of each other. This is an ideal way to rest your head on their shoulders and wrap your arms across them.

It may be both soothing and intimate while still allowing for body freedom. This will make the process of achieving a full-on physical hugging much easier.

4 Sources
  • Hertenstein MJ, Holmes R, McCullough M, Keltner D. The communication of emotion via touch. Emotion. 2009;9:566–73.
  • How to Cuddle: Best Positions, Benefits, and More [Internet]. Healthline. 2017 [cited 2023 Jan 30]. Available from:
  • Nate [@NateBramley]. I’ve had body image issues because of my concaved chest (pectus excavatum) and how my ribs stick out. I was teased for it when younger so I’d joke about it too. Laugh it off. Whenever I would hug someone I’d be terrified they’d feel it. I think I’m okay with it now. [Internet]. Twitter. 2019 [cited 2023 Jan 30]. Available from:
  • Dr. Nandi: The Health Benefits of Intimacy [Internet]. Healthline. 2017 [cited 2023 Jan 30]. Available from:

Article by:

Mihail Veleski

I am Mihail Veleski, the person behind this website. Established in 2015, Pectus Excavatum Fix has helped thousands of people improve their sunken chest deformity, both physically and mentally. I pride myself on ensuring the information and methods I share are tried by me and backed by research. I improved my concave chest and rib flare deformities non-surgically.

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